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Infection Prevention: Protect Yourself

Stop infections before they can Can do you real harm! Computers must be secured for it's users safety! Protect yourself now, don't wait until you're attacked!

Your computer getting infected by viruses, malware, and/or spyware is a very serious problem that all to many people ignore or make feeble attemps to prevent. This is a very dangerous thing to do!

Most people just don't realize how much an infection can do once it gets into your computer or they do and just don't think the really bad things could ever happen to them. Unfourtunately millions of computers are being infected each day by thousands of different kinds of bugs and each one does something different. Some are harmless, some steal your computer's resources slowing it down, some use your system and network to re-route their internet traffic or attack a specific network using countless other infected computers, some of the worst ones steal your personal files or monitor your activity in a combination of ways: screenshots allow for a picture of your screen, keystroke monitoring can record everything you type, web browser control can hijack un-secured data sent to and from websites, the list is very long. Put simply, a virus can do absolutely anyhting it wants with your computer once it gains control!

Don't wait until your identity or credit card number is stolen, don't let some unknown person have unlimited access to any file you have on your computer, don't put your families saftey and security at risk; prevent infections now, don't wait until they already have control to take action! Most of the time people never realize all the dangerous things an infection is doing because there either isn't any signs or they simply ignore them! Also it is much easier to prevent an infection then to remove one! Prevention is smart and easy, let Think Smart protect you and your family from dangerous infections.

What we do to protect your computer from getting infected:

  • We install an Anti-virus program and make sure it's optimally configured for maximum protection
  • We make sure your computer is properly protected by an adequate firewall
  • We check your wired and/or wireless network settings and make any necessary changes for security
  • We can also run a scan to make sure your computer is infection free
An infected computer is annoying as well as dangerous,

Think Smart keeps you safe and free by making Infections stay far away,
Instead of fighting them once they've already taken root and have control.
Stay Safe, Prevent Infections, That's The Power Of The Think Smart Advantage!

If you think your computer might be infected go to our Virus Removal Services page to learn what removal services we offer and how they work or visit our Virus & Spyware Removal page to see a list of common signs that a computer is infected.